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ASAP (Auto Set Audio Plugin) is a plugin for BSplayer (http://www.bsplayer.org).

I’ve done it because it was a pain in the ass when watching dual audio anime to have to switch audio stream and subtitle at the beginning of each file in my playlist.
Basically it just does what you would do with a cycle audio stream and a cycle subtitles, but you just have to set it once at the beginning and it will do the same for each video you play. The default setting just plays any video as if the plugin wasn’t there, and you can’t change it. Maybe i’ll do something to save a different default setting when i’ll feel like it :)

Disclamer: I wrote this for myself and didn’t do any extensive debugging. If it doesn’t work, if you want a feature added (well, i’m lazy so maybe i won’t do anything anyway), or if you simply want to tell me how much you love me, you can mail me .

Download ASAP v0.1: bs_ASAP.dll

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